About Our Website
Our website has been in existence since 1994; we were one of the very first decoy sites on the web! Since then, it has grown in size to hundreds of pages and contains a wealth of information for decoy collectors and enthusiasts.
Our website is tracked on the server by WebTrends, a highly sophisticated and extremely accurate statistical tracking application. We don't use 'hit counters'; although they are often seen on websites, they also can easily be altered to make a site appear to have more traffic than it actually does. If you'd like to see some of the statistics generated by WebTrends for our site, click here.You can be sure that the information generated by this premium statistical tracking program is accurate and guaranteed tamper-proof!
This past month we had over 10,000 hits, with visitors coming in from all over the world. That's over 300 visitors per day! We're very proud of our site, which has won numerous awards over the years and continues to attract more visitors every day.
If you are interested in advertising on our website, please contact Joe Engers at (302) 644-9001 or e-mail decoymag@aol.com. If you would like to display a link to us on your web site, please help yourself to one of our free banners from our Online Media Kit. Interested in trading links? Please visit our 'Submit Your Link' page for complete instructions on how to bring more web traffic to your site - it's totally free!
Thank you for visiting our site - we hope you enjoyed your stay and come back soon!