2005 is our 37th year

Alan G. Haid
Author - Appraiser - Dealer - Consultant
Challenge black duck, ca. 1900. Snakey head style in excellent original paint. Tail chip restoration. Lead weight in bottom. $4500. Click to enlarge.
Challenge black duck, ca. 1910. Fine original paint with minor wear. Neck reset. $4900. Click to enlarge.
Rare hollow Challenge mallard, ca. 1905. Snakey head style in strong original paint with minor flaking. Tail chip and neck putty restoration. $4200. Click to enlarge.
Glasseye canvasback hen and drake , ca. 1910. Matched pair in fine original paint. Both have minor neck putty restoration. $3950 pair. Click to enlarge.
Glasseye canvasback drake ,ca. 1910. Fine original paint with some wear on the sides. Classic canvasback head. Neck putty restored. Hard to find species. $1550. Click to enlarge.
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